Xung Khiem Pavilion
Tu Duc Tomb
Hue City

Sign Up For A Tour

Here is the drill.

  • Download and complete the
    • Registration Form
    • Release of Claims Form
    • Medical Disclosures Form
    • Special Interest Form (Optional)
    • and the Vietnam Visa Application found below.
  • Submit the forms along with the following.
    • Clear, Full Color copy of your Passport Information Page with the adjoining signed Signature Page (Be careful to NOT cut off the numbers on the bottom and sides).
           A Sample of what we need is included in the Vietnam Visa Application form package.
    • Two Clear, Full Color 2X2 Passport Photos.
    • and a Deposit of $500/person to secure your spot on the tour.
  • We will incorporate your special interests into the tour itinerary as much as possible, so the sooner the better in terms of making this tour as individualized as possible.
  • Your deposit is refundable up to 120 days prior to departure if something should come up and you have to cancel.
  • We look forward to making this happen for you.  Our focus and energy will support you and the tour 100% to make this a great return to Vietnam.
  • If you do not have a passport, start the process now.  We can add your new updated information later.
    • Important: Your passport needs to be valid for at least 6 months past the end date of your tour, and have at least 2 blank visa pages available.

     Please check out our  Frequently Asked Questions section for answers to most questions about our tours.

     Still have questions or need additional information?  Contact Us by phone or e-mail here.

Tour Registration Forms

Below you will find all of the forms that you will need to register for this trip.
Directions for filling out the forms
Important! This file contains important information about filling out the forms and where to send them once they are filled out.  There are also step by step instructions for filling out electronic forms if you have not done that before.
VBT Terms & Conditions
This is the Terms & Conditions that apply to our tours.  Please read!
VBT Registration Form – (Required)
This is your tour Registration Form.  It needs to be filled out and sent in along with a deposit before you are registered on a tour.
This Release of Claims Form needs to be signed and returned with your Registration Form.
This Medical Disclosures Form needs to be signed and returned with your Registration Form.
Vietnam Visa Application – (Required)
This package includes instructions for submitting a color copy of your Passport, Passport Photos and step by step instructions for filling out the Vietnam Visa Application.

Send this form, along with your other completed forms to Vietnam Battlefield Tours.
Please Do Not send it to the address on the Visa Application.
VBT Special Request Form – (Optional)
If you have any special request about places you would like to see while on the trip, please use this form.

Starting June 2019, all of our tours will depart from Los Angeles, CA.  If you desire to depart from a city different than the one that your tour is scheduled to depart from, please use the Alternative Gateway Form below.

All forms are in PDF format so you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer to view these files.  If you do not have this program, you can download Acrobat Reader (for free) from Adobe by clicking on the button to the right.

+ Problem: I clicked on the form links above and all I got was a blank page in the web browser or a red X icon. What is wrong?


Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader may be unable to display a PDF file inside a compatible web browser window if Acrobat or Adobe Reader can't read the PDF file, if the web browser isn't configured correctly with the Adobe PDF Browser plug-in, or if the web server on which the PDF file is stored can't serve the PDF file. This problem may manifest in a number of ways, including (but not limited to) the following behaviors:

-- A blank page in the web browser
-- A broken object link (for example, a red square, a blue triangle, or a blue circle)
-- A red X icon

Quick Fix:
Download the PDF file and then view it. You can avoid this error by downloading the file to your hard drive, and then viewing it from there with either the plug-in or the standalone reader program. The following instructions should work for most browsers:


  1. Right-click the link to the PDF file on the web page, then choose Save Link As (Internet Explorer 3.x or earlier, or any version of Netscape) or Save Target As (Internet Explorer 4.0 or later, or any version of AOL) from the popup menu that appears.
  2. Select or Specify a location on your hard drive (the Desktop is often the most convenient), then click Save.
  3. Open the PDF file from within Acrobat Viewer, or double-click the PDF file's icon to launch Acrobat Viewer and open the file.


  1. Click and hold the mouse on the link to a PDF file, then choose Download Link to Disk (Internet Explorer) or Save This Link As... (Netscape) from the popup menu.
  2. In the Save As dialog box, select a location on your hard disk (the Desktop is often the most convenient), then click Save.
  3. Open the PDF file from within Acrobat Viewer, or double-click the PDF file's icon to launch Acrobat Viewer and open the file.

To Correct The Problem:
The following links may help you solve your problem with PDF pages not appearing in web browser window.
Adobe Acrobat Settings
(Acrobat 7.0, Adobe Reader 7.0)
(Acrobat 6.0, Adobe Reader 6.0 on Windows)
(Acrobat 4.0-6.0.x, Acrobat Reader 4.0-5.x, Adobe Reader 6.0x)
Additional Information
Fixing problems involving viewing or printing PDF files from within your web browser. - University of Texas
What to do when PDF files do not open correctly. - Brookhaven National Laboratories
VIETNAM Battlefield Tours   -    5150 Broadway St. #473   -    San Antonio, TX 78209-5710   -    Phone: 1-210-568-9500   -   Toll Free: 1-877-231-9277
Copyright © 2006 - 2021      VIETNAM Battlefield Tours      All rights reserved.